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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 6  FOX  May 20, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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closing a chapter the lockerbie bombing the convicted bomber confirmed dead in libya. trayvon martin's mother appears as a guest speaker at a baltimore church today. her message, stand up to injustice. bringing tv commercials to super markets. the next time you shop you could get ambushed by in store ads. >> welcome to news at 6 am maureen ume. we begin with the death of the only person ever convicted of the 19 8 lockerbie bombing -- 198le lockerbie bombing. his brother confirms he is dead after losing his battle with prostate cancer. his death comes nearly three
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years after his release from a scottish prison. 243 passengers and 16 crew were killed in the terrorist bombing of pan a.m. flight 103. most victims or americans. joining us now, the president of the official american families group for the victims of pan a.m. flight 103. good evening frank. >> good evening. >> is this closure? >> pardon me? >> is this closure? >> breaking up. >> sorry are you having problems hearing us frank. i am asking if this death is closure for victim's families. >> no, no. it closes a chapter but doesn't close the book. um, the book is still open, investigation is still ongoing, we've been as sured by both the libyan government and u.s. government the investigation will continue to see who else was involved in addition to him. >> absolutely. >> no question. >> because i do know victims
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families have been divided on his guilt, some believe others have gone unfinished in this crime -- unpunished in this crime do you believe the same thing >> no, of course not. there are a handful of familys in england no, more than four or five believe he is innocent, everyone else looked at the evidence know it is man was guilty there is no question in our mind he is guilty. >> do you think there was more to his release from prison, after being diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer do you thing there was more than a medical issue? some talked about perhaps this was a ploy for libyan oil. can you talk about that. >> yeah, certainly. there was -- there were obvious commercial interests, diplomatic interests, involved in his release. the oil companies have admitted they lobbied the british government if not the scottish government and there was a lot of pressure to have him released. gay da phi's son said in all the discussions they had, with
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the u.s. government over the years, the issue of him and his release was always on the table. >> you mentioned before that you think that there should be more investigations. what sort of investigations should should there be now he is dead and former libyan dictator gay da fee is dead. we are certain there will be evidence turned up in some documents they are finding from the various palaces and offices he had, that would implicate other people. the fbi was looking at 6 people but they only had enough evidence back then to bring two of them to trial and one of those two was released. but we expect there would be other evidence. now we don't know if there will be enough for an inditement, and if there was an inditement we don't know if the libyan government would extradite them, but it is important for us to continue this investigation, because we know that he was not the only
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person. he himself and his so called illness has been a distraction all these years we want to the investigation to continue. >> thank you for joining us with your perspective on this death. thank you >> okay. happy to do it. >> many of those killed aboard pan am flight 103 were students from syracuse university coming back to the u.s. from a semester abroad program. no surprise a mother of one of those students who lives in maryland is not mourning the death of the man convicted of blowing up that airliner. fox 5s. john has the story. >> reporter: when she worked at pay check jobs, rosemary was a career writer and editor, 1988 her only child, was among those killed when a terrorist bomb blew up a pan am jet over lockerbie scotland. she was a theatre major at sire cause university. her mom has written two books in an effort -- syracuse university.
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her mom has written two books in an effort to keep her memory alive. >> when we would watch fame, she would bounce up and dance throughout the house. >> reporter: when the libyan intelligence officer we object before the judges she attended part of the trial. she was later enraged from his release at a scottish jail, supposedly for humanitarian reasons. >> prostate cancer. however, it was a libyan doctor who diagnosed it and said he has three months to live. no cancer experts were ever brought in. >> now, that he is dead, rosemary does not mourn. >> if he was in great pain, it was too soon. otherwise, it's good that he is gone. >> reporter: she also admits taking satisfaction over the execution of long time dictator momar gadafi at the hands of
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rebel insurgents, she believes he gave the orders to blow up painim flight 103. now days, airline -- pan am flight 103. >> now days airline restrictions are tighter. >> what would you say to people growing tired of going through airport security >> i would say suck it up. they are trying to keep us protected. >> in maryland, john henrehan fox 5 news. montgomery county police investigating the murder suicide of a couple in silver spring. the bodies of the 49-year-old man and his 39-year-old wife were found inside their apartment in the sill very spring complex just after 10:30 a.m. there live with more, audrey. >> reporter: maureen, a woman called police this morning to report her relatives missing. she hasn't seen them in a couple days and when police got herethey discovered to bodies >> trauma to both bodies and a
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note left behind by one of them. >> reporter: what did it say? >> well, we don't normally give details of suicide notes but, right now, we are technically calling this a suspicious death but investigating this as a murder suicide. >> reporter: now several police units from the third district responded here to help out. this is a really quiet community with very little crime. and officers say residents should continue to feel safe. this appears to be a domestic incident, between man and his wife. now police will not say which one of the couple wrote that note. they also would not say how they died. both bodies have been taken to the medical examiners office in baltimore for autopsy. no names have been released. police are trying to notify relatives. maureen >> audrey barnes thank you. prince georges county police are looking for three men after an armed robbery and abduction off university of maryland campus. it happened 130 a.m. this morning, intersection of
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adelphi road and university boulevard. the victim was driving when he was flagged down by a suspect. that is when the suspect pulled out a handgun, got in the car and forced the victim to drive to a nearby neighbourhood to pick up the other two suspects they then forced the victim out of the drivers seat. the three men robbed the driver of cash and personal property luckily no one was injured. prince georges county police officer is in trouble tonight, accused of drunk driving. police say officer gonzalez was in his marked cruiser early saturday morning when he was involved in an accident. he was off duty at the time. no one was hurt in that incident either. >> the responding officer suspected officer daniel was under the influence of alcohol. >> he is a 6 year veteran of the police department, the state's attorney will review the case. mother of trayvon martin spoke at a baltimore church this morning. sabrina fulton shared how she
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is combing with her son's death at empowerment temple church. the churches founder wanted her to speak to the congregation because her bravery is a powerful example how to stand up to injustice. she says she has received overwhelming support from people in baltimore. >> we had no knowledge, we had no clue about how many people were supporting us and how many people had felt the same way we felt. so, it is just overwhelming just to see how many people this effected. >> martin's shooting death in february sparked a national out cry. neighbourhood watch volunteer george sim more than is charged with 2nd degree murder and has been released on bond. another big story we are following, a strong earthquake rocked northern italy. the u.s. geological survey says the epicenter was 22 miles north of bologna. initial amateur video shows older buildings suffered major
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damage. crews are still digging through rubble searching for survivors. just ahead, future of afghanistan topping the agenda for the nato summit as world leaders gatt inner chicago for the two day -- gather in chicago for the two day meeting 
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>> chicago is playing host to nato summits . leaders from 60 countries are discussing a vision for post 2014, afghanistan. meanwhile thousands of
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demonstrators upset with the afghan war are taking to the streets out side the meeting. foxs craig boswell has the latest. >> reporter: leaders from about 60 countries began the first day of a two day nato summit here in chicago. the main topic is shifting the military mission from a combat role to advisory and then how to pay for it. president obama held a presummit meet being afghan president karzai earlier this morning. >> nato summit is going to be largely devoted to ratifying and reflecting the broad con sen us we are working with the afghans over the next several years to achieve a complete transition. >> reporter: karzai says the transition means his country and work is no long era burden on the rest of the world and thanked americans. >> mr. president i am bringing to you and people of the united states, the gratitude of afghan
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people for support your tax payers money has provided to afghanistan over the past decade. >> reporter: meanwhile a huge crowd of protestors, streaming into downtown chicago. one of the city's largest demonstrations in years. among them, reverend jackson. >> we are not going to expand more into afghanistan, $4 billion a week, while we are losing workers, teacher, fire men, and closing schools. >> reporter: yesterday, three activists were arrested for allegedly manufacturing molotov cocktails in a plot to attack president obama's campaign headquarters and other targets. today two other men were taken into custody one of them for falsely making a terrorist threat. thousands of protestors were also fully testing the chicago police department. in chicago, craig boswell, fox news. just ahead on the news at 6, finding inspiration in the aisle? super markets trying out instore ads for last minute business but is it worth it? we will be right back [ female announcer ] with xfinity,
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you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider.
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♪ love can be so mystical ♪ they could soon be making their way to grocery stores near you. they appear on small screens in the supermarket aisle while you are shopping. but will this new tactic be cost effective? anna coinman has the story. >> reporter: new lcd screens
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displaying instore advertisements have companies trying to lure in customers just before they make a purchase. research shows point of purpose consumer marketing in stores is big business with companies spending an estimated $18.3 billion in 2011. automated media services installed their tv screens in a new york city super market recently saying they are more consumer friendly than traditional marketing tools. >> creates opportunity to take the information in, without the action of picking up the flyer, walking down the aisle and reading it, to really -- it is kind of as passive and active element to it while you are shopping, you are taking it in along with all the other messaging and branding that is part and parcel of the packages itself. >> reporter: ams just wrapped up a field study with food lion in virginia. their ceo says several brands saw a rise in profit over the stores that did not have technology. bloom opted not to continue after the trial. ams says their approach is to
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have dozens of small screens all over the store but some people say they don't even notice them. one customer saying it would just take time to get used to looking out for. >> yeah, it is actually, if it is by the register, i think it is a great idea because usually there is long lines in here and everybody is looking at something, to focus on, trying to make the time go by. >> reporter: in future, ams may also include ads from brands not represented in the aisle but still related for example, a local winery next to the wine or cheese section. in new york, anna coinman fox news. people came out to andrews airforce base for the air show today. the final fly over of the weekend was bittersweet. the annual show will now go on every two years. people who came out say they hope the change is reconsidered. >> that is really sad. this is one of the events we actually bring
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familycommunities together. i have been coming pretty much every year >> i think they should have it every year. it is already hard enough to get down here. washington dv has such a strong presence of military personnel, it is important we get a strong representation. >> officials say this year is also the last time the navy blue angels will perform for awhile. they are scheduled to return in four years. that is sad. >> beautiful day out there. >> yeah, those who went out couldn't have picked a better day. glorious. >> not only comfortable to sit out there, skies were nice and clear, easy to see what is going on. >> perfect. >> is it going to continue. >> no. >> reality check, mother nature it is not going to continue. a live lookout side, right now, it is absolutely beautiful, so you can still hang on to the day, a little breezy, you can see our cameras shaking a little bit, but, you know what, if you want to get out this evening, early part of this evening, just really enjoy the rest of the weekend i suggest
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you do that because we definitely have changes ahead. unsettled days ahead in my forecast which you will see we do expect to get some much needed rain. i know you said we have had a bit of rain last few weeks or so but we need the rain. we are just over 4 inches below, what we should be so far for this year. as far as national airport is concerned, temperatures on the rise in the 5 day forecast, and tropical storm alberto a slow mover we will talk about alberto which is our first named storm of the 2012 hurricane season. our highs today, 81 degrees at regan national airport, 82 dulles, 83 bwi marshall, temperatures 4 to 6 degrees above the seasonal average it was comfortable, 78 dulles, 80 baltimore, 80 quantico. hagerstown 81, same at martins burg and 78 degrees this hour, in dc. skies really nice, we've got -- just a few high clouds, not too much to talk about in terms of
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current conditions things will change as we move through the overnight hours. we will see increasing cloud and moisture, that will start to kick in. and as we take a look down toward it is south, here is alberto, off the coast of the carolinas and really not doing a whole lot right now. kind of moving slow, hasn't moved very much in the past 24 hours or so at all. but that will change. tomorrow we are talking stormy conditions showers in the morning, and then in the afternoon, we've got a good chance of seeing thunderstorms. this system out here to the west is going to retro grade and move its way back toward the shore. approaching frontal system is another system we will have to deal with. we are talking about thunderstorms primarily over the potomac high lands, shenandoah, valley, and near and east of the i-95 corridor. that is where we can see most of the instability kicking in. we have a warm front moving its way west, a cold front moving its way east, so, between those two, that instability is going
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to start to build in. and we are getting on shore moisture, with this northeasterly flow, just like this pulling this moisture in off the atlantic. tropical storm alberto will be moving to the northeast, as we move into monday and we will start to pick up speed at this point, and it will stay offshore. we are not looking at anything in firms of it coming off the atlantic sea board. here is a look as we move to the overnight hour, wet weather pushes in starting lower southern maryland. into monday look at your morning commute by 9:00 a.m., and throughout the day continues to become more widespread into monday night. continues tuesday, wednesday and thursday. chance of storms every day. here is a look at alberto it will start to weaken its way out and as i said once we get into monday, extended period. it will head its way up into the atlantic along the coastline, and actually, quite far out to sea, not going to cause damage. georgia and south carolina, looks like they could see dangerous rip currenthigh surf
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but other than that, it won't be doing much more damage. cloudy skies tonight, breezy, showers overnight, 62 degrees, northwesterly wind, tomorrow warming up to 75, but, keep the umbrella handy. showers in the morning, thunderstorms a possibility in the afternoon, those stormy days continue as i mentioned, into tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. a chance every single day, friday back to dry conditions a little sunshine and heating up to 85 degrees. >> oh, boy. thank you gwen. caps are eliminate ready the nhl playoffs 8 days ago. today some came up winners, and steven strausberg hopes to rebound from his worst outing of the year as nats look to avoid a sweep of the orioles. dave feldman on deck with sports next
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you know the expression helping your own ball if baseball. normally a sign things are going well for your team. nats found that to be the case in today's series finale with the orioles. strausberg making his 9th start of the season. gnats trail 1-0. wind blowing -- nats trailing 1-0. bryce harper makes the catch only he doesn't. into second on the error. the third of this season, for harper. he would later score. bottom of the third, nats down 3-0. harper, 2 on. nick laying out to make
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thecatch but the ball comes out when he make it is ground. harpers second career triple deficit now 3-2. now we go to the fourth. 3-3. strausberg strikes out, strausberg goes 5 innings allows 3 runs, 1 earned striking out 8. bottom of the 4th, jesus flores just homered. next batter, strausberg. no way steven strausberg is hitting his first career home run is there? yeah. strausberg, two hits on the day, earns his fourth victory of the to season and hits a homer. nats score 9 unanswered runs to defeat the orioles, 9-3. afterwards the pitcher on his big hit. >> i didn't think it was going out you know, typically, when we are swinging in bp. it is down so we have to play harder to get it out. but you know, just shows you know, pretty good swing on, hit it in the right part it will go out >> i didn't expect straws to hit a breaking ball.
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he doesn't usually see breaking balls. came in after, we found a leftfielder. yeah, that's great. that was fun when we started going through runs. >> if you go in the dictionary and look under the word chill you see davie. russia defeated slovakia to capture the world hockey championships. ovechkin scored goals in russia's two previous games. four game sweep of the coyotes, shane done had other io dee coo yeahs back -- ideas, his shot goes over the shoulder of quick but did it go in? it was real quick. it was reviewed the overhead angle shows it did go in and bounced off the camera. coyotes shut out the kings 2-0 to stay alive they trail 3 games to 1. >> last night, staples center, thunder and lakers, kobe,
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hoping to even the series, 2-2. 4th quarter lakers lead by 4. kobe with 38 points, lakers by 6. currant with top of the key to 3. thunder have a 3 point lead, durant 31. lakers next popes is, kobe tries to answer -- next possession. kobe tries to answer with 3 of his own . thunder defeat the lakers, the thunder now lead the series 3 games to 1. quarter finals, defending champ, virginia facing notre dame early in the fourth. virginia trails 8-7. up top to colin breaks, scores to tie it at 8. two goal tons day less than 8 minutes to go. noter dame's ryan foaly make as move to the middle. shot defines to the net. watch the replay look to the right of your screen as he will take a shot right to the head. he was carted off the field,
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but when he was carted off, this is always a good sign he give as thumbs up. so he has use of extremities. taken to hospital, and the coach said expected to be fine. noter dame advances to quarter finals. >> that does it for us for tonight at 6. i can get that out. we are back tonight at 10
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